Pursuant to the provisions of section 25 of the Controller of Budget Act 2016, the Controller of Budget in consultation with the Kenya Law Reform Commission and the Office of the Attorney General has developed the Draft Controller of Budget Regulations, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as ‘Draft Regulations’).

The objective of the Draft Regulations is to set out the procedure for authorization of withdrawal of funds; enforcement of budgetary ceilings; monitoring, evaluating, reporting and making recommendations to the national and county governments on measures to improve budget implementation; preparation and submission of quarterly reports and special reports; conduct of investigations and conciliation, mediation and negotiation. Further, the Draft regulations also provide for documentation to be provided to the Controller of Budget in the exercise of his or her powers and functions as well as the format for requisition and approval of withdrawal of funds.

In line with the requirement for public participation and stakeholder engagement as prescribed under Article 10 of the Constitution and section 5 of the Statutory Instruments Act,2013, the Controller of Budget hereby invites members of the public and all stakeholders to submit their comments on the Draft Regulations.

The Draft Regulations are available below.

Comments should be forwarded by close of business on Wednesday, 9th June 2021 to regulations to regulations@cob.go.ke

Or delivered to;

The Controller of Budget
Office of the Controller of Budget
Bima House, 12th Floor-Harambee Avenue
P.O Box 35616-00100, Nairobi.